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Only $1250.00

Including tax and all fees

From LA, SD, SF, SJ Oakland, Seattle, San Jose, Phoenix, Kansas City, Denver, St Louise, Nashville,  and most Midwest and west coast cities to Addis Ababa.

You must fly between Oct 1st to Nov 30th, 2006

Call 619 255 5530

 We translate your document from any Ethiopian language to English and we certify our translation. Good for INS and other official use

Buy your airline Ethiopian ticket on line

Amharic Software on sale only 39.99+ S&H

Amharic Interpreters wanted

ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ለመሄድ ትኬትዎን ከኢንተርኔት ላይ ይቁረጡ

በዚህ ፕሮግራም ላይ ተሳታፊ ከሚሆኑት አየር መንገዶች ውስጥ አንዱ አንጋፋው የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ (Ethiopian Airlines) በተቀዳሚነት እንዲታይ እና መንገዶኞቻችን በይበልጥ የሀገራችንን አየር መንገድ እንዲጠቀሙ በማሰብ ቅድሚያ የተሰጠው ሲሆን፣  ሌሎችም እንደ ብሪትሽ አየር መንገድ (British Airways) ሉፍታንዛ (Lufthansa) እና  ቨርጂን (Virgin Airlines) እና ኬኤልኤም(KLM) የመሳሰሉት አየር መንገዶችንም ያቀፈ ነው፡፡  more

ለመሆኑ የቦ ምንድን ነው?What is Yebbo?
Addis Printing
Business Cards

Celebrate the African Millennium with style in Africa


Business and Travel translation in Ethiopia by Ethiotrans.com

Are you doing or planning to do business in Ethiopia? If your answer is yes you may need our service.  Ethiotrans.com can help you  by facilitating the business communication method in variety of ways. We have  experienced multilingual professionals who can speak your language and native Amharic (Ethiopian National language) language . If you are sending your team for initial business negotiation or follow up with the existing business or if your business has a presence in Ethiopia we can help you on the following areas.

  1. Interpretation: We offer in person, on the phone or conference setting consecutive or simultaneous interpretation service from English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Arabic and several other Africans, Asian and European languages.
  2. Translation Services: If your business wants to do business in Ethiopian and want to translate its business documents to any Ethiopian language or from Ethiopian languages to your  official language,  we will be there when you need us.
  3.  Radio or TV commercial. If you are planning to attract the Ethiopian market and if you have an existing TV or Radio commercial and want to have a voice over of if you want to create a new content for the specific market we have all the talents you need.
  4.  Print Ads: We can take your existing print ad or we can create a new one from scratch that will target the local market. We will make sure your ad is culturally and  linguistically acceptable and appropriate to the local market.
  5.  Legal and medical interpretation: Are you traveling to Ethiopian representing your client and want to have an interpreter that will ease the communication process? Well let us know in advance and we will provide you qualified individuals
  6. Adoption process papers and letters. Are you adapting a child from Ethiopian and want to translate documents and letters from or to Amharic to your language? Well we have one of the best rates you can find on the net. Our experienced translators will help you to alleviate the pain and ease  the process. Also if you want to write   a correspond  personal letter with your future adopted child, we can help that too.     
  7. Software Localization: If your company or business wants to penetrate the Ethiopian market by localizing its software we have all the tools and talent you need.
  8. Web site Localization: If your organization or company wants to send its message to its Ethiopian audiences in their language, well we will be there. Just call us           

The First African Languages Translation and Localization intercontinental Company

What we served?

Individual like you

Non-profit organizations

Large and small translation companies

Large, Medium and Small Businesses



Government offices

So far  we served  Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, America,   

If you have any questions or comments about this web site, please send e-mail to info@ethiotrans.com.
Copyright ©1999 -2006 Ethiopic Translation and Localization Services 
The #1 African languages translation Company in the world, we focus on what we know the best, i.e. the African Language                   For more information, please call at ( 619) 255 5530
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