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Attention: Do you know that there are Somali speaking people lives both in Somali and in Ethiopia ? But are you aware of that the type of Somali spoken in these two countries is slightly different? In order to over come these differences we using native speakers from both countries and we check the translation is understandable by anyone from these countries.  The majority of Somalis in US and other parts of the world are a mixture of these people. Do not assume  that,  all Somalis are from Somali.


Somali Region State Ethiopia



Somali translation sample

We translate Somali--

Waxaan turjunaa af Soomaali


 I speak Somali. 

Aniga af Soomaali ayaan ku hadlaa


Somali alphabet   

Somali alphabet   

The Somali or Osmaniya alphabet was created in 1922 by Cismaan Kenadiid, brother of the Sultan of Obbia. It was not widely used, apart from for private correspondence. Since 1972, Somali has been written with the
Latin alphabet, using an orthography promulgated by the Somali government,

Before 1972, in addition to the Osmaniya alphabet, Somali was also written with the Arabic alphabet

Notable features


  • The Somali alphabet is written from left to right in horizontal rows.

  • The names of the letters are based on Arabic letter names.


Normally used to write:
Somali, a Cushtic language with about 8,335,000 speakers in Somali, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Yemen, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Finland, Sweden and the UK.



Sample of Somali written in the Osmanya alphabet

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